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German Courses » Group Courses

Group Courses German

Intensive Course

Our teachers of German as a foreign language are native speakers, well-trained in teaching and experienced in promoting language learning. But most important: they love teaching and regard your success as theirs. 

We are pleased to offer German as a foreign language in group courses of each level of the Common European Framework for Languages at any time. 

Each second month a new beginners course is starting. The intensive courses take place on weekdays either from 09:00 - 12:15 or from 13:00 - 16:15, supplemented by evening courses from 16:30 several times a year.

Those students who have already acquired some language proficiency  may enroll in already existing courses at any time. Detailed placement tests provide for appropriate assistance in making the right decision.

Everybody who is interested will be granted a trial day, and thus the chance to get an impression of the teaching methods, the learning concepts, and the teaching staff.

Please contact us to arrange a free trial day without obligation!

Our Group Courses take place at  Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring-24 or at nearby convention center Alte Feuerwache.

Our group courses are face-to-face courses, but online participation from home is also possible on request.


Extended group course possibilities 

Intensive plus:

in addition to the group course, you will have individual lessons. This allows you to address individual language problems and to expand or deepen your knowledge. In addition to the price of the intensive course, the price is 35,- € / 45 min. lesson. 1 - 2 additional lessons are possible 1 - 5 times per week.




Do you have questions? Get in touch anytime!