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German Courses » How to book

Required documents for application

  • completetd and signed contract
  • Copy of your passport / ID

Download Contract here: Inscription form

Please send all documents by email- as PDF or scanned image. 

We will be happy to confirm course dates and prices again in advance and send you a contract prepared especially for you.

Please let us know:

  • when / in which month you want to start
  • at which level you would like to participate / what previous knowledge you have
  • How long you want to participate / what level you want to reach


Payment information for bank transfer

Commerzbank Köln
Maria Baron

IBAN: DE 18 3704 0044 0555 966 100     


Bank Address: Hohenzollernring 74, 50672 Köln

If you register personally with us at the secretary, you can also pay in cash or with an EC / Visa / Mastercard.

Participants who need a visa

The group courses at activ learning meet the requirements for a language course visa. A deposit of 50% of the course fee + 40, - registration fee is required, the rest payment will be due upon course start.

More information here:  Visa

Questions about registration? Get in touch!