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German Courses » Course Levels / Books

Course Level System

Each of the 8 levels of the German as foreign language program takes 8 weeks (or 2 months; 160 teaching hours of 45 minutes).

Participants with previous knowledge can join the current group of their respective level anytime. 

Exams according to the Common European Framework of Language proficiency are conducted at the end of each language competence level.

Who passes the test, will receive a certificate. Test and certificate are included in the course fee.



Levels A1 to B1 – Schritte Plus Neu (latest edition) published by Hueber Verlag


A1.1   ISBN  978-3-19-501081-8

A1.2   ISBN  978-3-19-801091-5

A2.1   ISBN  978-3-19-501093-2

A2.2   ISBN  978-3-19-801083-9

B1.1   ISBN  978-3-19-501085-6

B1.2   ISBN  978-3-19-641085-3


Levels B2 to C1 – Aspekte neu  published by Klett Sprachen


B2   ISBN 978-3-12-605027-2

C1   ISBN 978-3-12-605037-1


University preparation: Einfach zum Studium by telc 

A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1; the different levels again are based on an immanent structure of progressive proficiency. The schedule for each course level is 8 weeks of 4 teaching hours of 45 minutes per day, from Monday to Friday. A placement test is required for assignment to any other level apart from level A1.

University preparation: completes the 48 weeks program from Start to University level. 


Course level description:


A 1 – no prior language proficiency required:

Introduction to grammatical structures of the German language
Basic vocabulary
Basic understanding of and interaction in everyday language
Time schedule: 8 weeks (8 or more)

A 2 – builds on basic skills:

Introduction to more comprehensive grammatical structures
Development of the vocabulary
Basic reading skills; working with texts
Development and enhancement of communication skills
Time schedule: 8 weeks (8 or more participants)

B 1 - sound basic language proficiency required

Intensifying essential grammar skills
Introduction to advanced grammatical structures
Exam preparation: telc B1 and Goethe-Zertifikat B1
Time schedule: 8 weeks (8 or more participants)

B 2 – language proficiency at a high intermediate level required:

Intensifying of advanced grammar skills and grammatical specifics
Deepening listening and reading skills regarding text complexity
Main emphasis on enhancement of correct written and oral use of previously acquired language proficiency
Time schedule: 8 weeks (8 or more participants)

C 1 – language proficiency at a high advanced level required:

Resuming and reviewing difficult grammatical structures
Improving speaking and writing proficiency on the basis of complex listening and reading texts
Discussing and presenting specific complex topics
Exam preparation: telc C1 and Goethe-Zertifikat


University Preparation Course:

This course prepares students for the telc-C1 University examination or the DSH (German University Language Examination) in all its sub-areas (listening comprehension, reading comprehension, text production).