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Infos » Studying in Germany

Language requirements for foreign students at German universities

Which language requirements need to be met in order to study in Germany? The requirements and the point of time they need to be met vary depending on which university or university of applied science one wishes to study at. Another  aspect to be considered is, whether appropriate qualifications for entrance to higher education in Germany are met - the organisations linked below will help you regarding this issue.

We strongly advise you to gather detailed information on any kind of requirements and prerequisites in good time at the International departments of the respective universities you wish to apply at.

If you have an appropriate qualification for entrance to higher education, usually you will have to pass the DSH (German Language Exam for Academic Purposes), or the TestDaF (Test of German as a Foreign Language) or telc C1 –Hochschule exam. In order to be able to pass these tests, for students without any previous knowledge of the German language our courses are scheduled as follows:

Basic level (A1 - B1) - 6 course months / 24 weeks

Intermediate level (B2 - C1) - 4 course months /16 weeks

Preparatory course (DSH/telc C1 Hochschule) - 2 course months/ 8 weeks

-> Total of 48 weeks.

For further information, please click the following links:

Uni Assist – official German service agency for admission to University

International office of University of Applied Sciences Cologne

International department of University of Cologne

On the website of the German embassy in your country you will also find an information section about studying in Germany.